Flight school class website online

Yay! I’ve put up a brand new site for my class. I present you Phoenix, class 04/05 of Stella Aviation Academy in Teuge.

It’s a now heavily modded phpBB install – I really don’t have the time to build a site from the ground up. I’m very happy with it. It’s relatively easy to mod and it has quite a few nice prefab modifications. Amongst other mods, the Photo Album mod and the Attachment mod have been successfully installed and I managed to make some cool modifications to the code myself aswell.

As our Dutch visitors can read there we started ATPL classes yesterday. We kicked off with General Navigation, which is about stuff like latitude/longitude, distance calculation, wind correction, etcetera. Pretty cool :)

Radio Navigation is up next (on monday). Third class is Communication. All three classes will be examinated in February, so the pressure is turned up a bit compared to PPL but we should all be able to make it just fine. Wish me luck :)